How can you get a library card?
If you live in our service area, you may get a library card free of charge, as part of your tax-supported library service.
Your library card allows you to:
- Borrow books and other circulating library material from Marengo-Union Library District and most other public libraries in Illinois.
- Gain access to digital content, such as: ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies, on-demand streaming and more.
- Access our research and learning databases.
- Check out items in our Library of Things collection, including Mobile Hotspots, Roku Box, Blu-Ray Player and more.
- Use our public computers.
Adults (age 19 and over) must register in person for a Library card and provide proof of residence within the Library District. Bring two forms of current identification. At least one of which must be a photo ID.
Acceptable forms of identification include:
- Driver’s License
- Non-driving state ID card
- Corporate issued ID card
- Passport
- Naturalization certificate
- Armed forces ID
- Government issued ID with photo (example: prison issued)
- Mortgage statement
- Rental lease
- Property deed
- Voter registration card
- Home insurance policy
- Vehicle insurance policy or card
- Credit/debit card with photo
- Mail postmarked within 30 days
- Current telephone, gas, electric, or cable bill, or other service provider billing statement
Youth between the ages of 4 and 18 qualify for a library card. A parent or legal guardian must be present when a library card is issued to sign as the responsible party.
The parent or guardian assumes responsibility for all charges incurred through use of their child’s card, as well as the content of material the child checks out.
Not a Resident?
For those outside of our service area, there is a $120 yearly fee which covers all members in your household.
Non-resident children may be eligible for a Library card free of charge thanks to the sponsorship by Cards for Kids Act.