We’re joining the PrairieCat Library Catalog system in Summer 2021!
This change to a larger library system will allow you to get more out of your Library and greater access with your Library card. Currently when you search our online Library catalog you only see Marengo-Union items; when we join the PrairieCat consortium it will allow you to see items from every library in the PrairieCat library system and request them. Other changes when we join PrairieCat, include:
- Easy access to materials from over 130 other libraries in Northern Illinois
- An additional 1 million items to request and enjoy
- Receive holds from other libraries faster
- An updated and easier to search online catalog
- A PrairieCat Mobile app for on the go holds (coming Fall 2021)
- Quicker access to material from area libraries like Harvard, Woodstock, Belvidere and Cherry Valley, and you can now easily use your Library card at these locations for checkouts
Look for more details coming soon!