Accepting donations May 1st – May 31st
Marengo-Union Library will serve as a drop off location for Operation Dropbox throughout the month of May. Operation Dropbox is an annual campaign to gather household goods to benefit local veterans hosted by The McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH) and in cooperation with its community partners.
The following items will be accepted at participating drop box locations:
- Non-perishable food
- Manual can openers
- Coffee pots and supplies
- Paper towels, napkins and toilet paper
- Personal hygiene products
- Household cleaning supplies
- New socks for men and women
- New pillows
Operation Dropbox not only supports local veterans, but also is an opportunity for MCDH and MRC volunteers to practice managing large quantities of supplies, as they would during a public health emergency. During the exercise, requested items will be sorted and organized into kits to be distributed to Veteran’s Path to Hope for allocation to veterans.
This project allows us to work closely with our partners to support veterans in McHenry County and is also an opportunity for MRC volunteers to exercise their emergency response skills in preparation for a public health emergency,” said Melissa Adamson, MCDH Public Health Administrator.
For more information about Veterans Path to Home, call (815) 321-4673 or visit veteranspathtohome.org. For more information about how to contribute to Operation Dropbox, please email or call at (815) 334-4500.
“Military veterans, by virtue of signing up to serve in the armed forces, were willing to put their lives on the line for their country. When they return to civilian life, they sometimes encounter unexpected challenges and food insecurity is one of them. It takes partnerships and collaborative efforts to address this challenge, and Operation Dropbox is an outstanding example of the community’s willingness to give back to those who served so selflessly. Hundreds of veteran households will be supported by this initiative and we thank all involved,” said Laura Franz, Executive Director of Veterans Path to Hope.